Monday, September 12, 2011

Fred King to Scofeild Cove

Day 6
As it turned out Dana’s side of the bed was OK and mine was outrageous! I hardly slept. When we got up in the morning, Dana went for a canoe ride in Snare Brook, and I slept on his side of the tent.
When he returned he told me of a nice chat he had with a moose while he was out. Not much of a fishing day though…. A small brook trout and a few chubs. We made our coffee/ GFIC (or plastic coffee as my father called it) and got back into the canoe to explore Snare Brook further. The moose was gone, but it was still a beautiful, serene morning. There was some low-lying fog, but it was really more of a haze.
As we paddled up Snare Brook, it opened into a large pond area (not shone on the map). We didn’t see any wildlife, other than birds, but their sounds were amazing. On the way back to camp it sounded like an orchestra of birds, or a rainforest. So many different sounds were commingling. It was an awesome morning.
I for got to mention that Dana went for a canoe ride the evening before, as well. I sat at the picnic table to write in my journal and study the maps. Suddenly I heard something crashing towards me through the bush! A large snowshoe hare came straight for me and stopped about 8ft from where I sat. I heard something continue running through the woods and assumed it was the fox I saw near the privy earlier. The rabbit quickly decided I was not a threat and began eating the clover and greenery at the end of the picnic table. He/She stayed for awhile and then hopped into the woods again. Hours later it was still browsing close to camp..Safely.

Back to day 6. After our canoe ride with hot drinks, we decided we weren’t hungry for breakfast. So, we packed up camp and left at around 9 a.m.
It was an easy day of paddling with the wind at our backs. As we left Eagle Lake we entered the Throughfare. It is a narrow throughfare on the map but is actually more like another pond. The wind wasn’t bad and we made good time.
Churchill Lake was gorgeous. The weather had been in the mid 70’s and sunny all day, and there was just enough of a breeze to keep us comfortable. Dana had been hoping to stay at Scofeild Point or Scofeild Cove, so we headed along the west shore of the lake. We saw a tarp up at Scofeild Point, so we aimed for the Scofeild Cove campsite. It was almost 12:30 p.m.

WOW! This was my favorite site so far, with Smith Brook as a close second. There were actually two cells at the cove, and we took the southern campsite the one with the rocks out front. The other cell had a small gravel beach, but I preferred the view from the rocky site, plus we could put our tent up by the water.
There was another neat bench at this site. It had been cut out of a large tree. Just south of the cell there was a small sandy point that formed a small peninsula between a stream inlet and the lake. I thought about swimming and went in up to my navel, but decided against it instead. I washed a pair of my pants and both Dana and I hung our wet cloths from the rainy day before on tarplines to dry.

I went down to the big rocks to sit and journal awhile. After a few minutes I noticed a gigantic bullfrog sitting 6ft in front of me on another large rock. He looked like a rock himself.
Taking a break from writing, I started playing with the solar charger. The batteries weren’t quite charged, but it didn’t take long. Then I plugged in my phone. It kept saying "unable to charge" but I left it plugged in for a little while and it did charge.

During my writing and fiddling Dana went…fishing! You guessed it! He also was collecting driftwood to use for firewood.
When Dana came back from fishing and driftwooding we both got a kick out of the butterflies. These were black and white (I can’t remember their names now) but these butterflies really loved our shoes. Between the two of us we had five pairs of shoes out one being wading shoes and they went back and forth checking them all out. Even the ones I was wearing,
Dana made chicken fajita meat and camp style Mac and cheese with real cheese and evaporated milk. Yummy!
Just before calling it a night Dana was cutting wood for the fire. The bow saw jumped and cut his pointer knuckle on his left hand. It was a pretty deep cut, so we got out the Neosporin and bandages and hooked him up.
Earlier in the evening, Dana had walked down the peninsula at the brook. He terrified a rabbit in the process, and the rabbit darted out of the woods a foot from Dana.
It was a beautiful day and a gorgeous night.

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